Who's going to eat that last onion ring? 谁要把最后那个洋葱圈吃掉?
What did Ronald McDonald give Wendy for their engagement?& an onion ring! 麦当劳大叔给她的女朋友什么订婚礼物?&洋葱圈戒指!
The experiment result shows that the spacing of onion rings, which is the most prominent features of most friction stir welds, decreases with the distance of onion ring to centerline increasing. 结果表明:焊接接头横截面宏观结构特征表现为焊核区的“洋葱环”和热-机械影响区的塑性流线变形,洋葱环的环间距随着距焊缝中心距离的增大而减小;
Influence of Process Parameter on Forming of Onion Ring in FS Welds 工艺参数对搅拌摩擦焊洋葱圆环形成的影响
Based on this protocol, an improved Layered Onion Ring protocol is proposed which can defend against this attack effectively. Therefore, the proposed protocol is more secure and effective than the existing one. 基于这个协议,本文提出了一个分层洋葱环路由协议。该协议可以有效抵抗现有方案中所存在的交集攻击,并且更具安全性和实用性。
In this paper the Onion Ring protocol designed by Lee has been analyzed that it cannot defend against a so-called intersection attack, a new type of attack. 在本篇文章,分析了Lee等人提出的洋葱环路由协议,发现其不能抵抗一种称为交集攻击的新型攻击。